Thursday, August 14, 2008

Public Libraries Can Save You Money

The Consumerist has a short article entitled 7 Ways Your Public Library Can Help You During a Bad Economy. There are lots of good suggestions in the comments, too (as well as the occasionally complaint).


Anonymous said...

ooh, i'm definitely sharing this at work! (in WI, the state department of education includes public libraries)...

Kate said...

Hooray! Spread the word! :)

Anonymous said...

I entirely agree with most of their points. Well, I agree with all of them, but unfortunately, I have an addiction called "Purchaseeverybookyouread." I'm willing to purchase used books, but only if I can see their condition ahead of time. I normally purchase books through or their marketplaces though and save at least 25-50% on most purchases. It does help that I have patience, so I can wait for paperback versions or newer versions that drop prices.

Kate said...

Roger, you need a 12 step program for your addiction. :) I think it's easier not to have that addiction when you can handle a wide variety of books all day long. Sometimes I walk directly from work to the public library, too. Books, books, and more books. I'm pretty picky about books quality when I do purchase them, and have found to be pretty reliable in terms of both cheapness and books actually showing up in the stated condition. But then again, I so rarely buy books that it may not be a broad enough sampling.

Half Price Books is always fabulous for discounted books that you can see in person before you buy them.