Friday, October 23, 2009

Wedding Nonsense, Part II

So the current plan is for a small wedding and a casual reception. I say 'current' because I've heard about brides who started out thinking they'd be oh-so-casual and cheap. Then they got all caught up in the Wedding Nonsense and went off the deep end. Thus, I'm allowing for the possibility that this could happen to me.

But I really hope not.

Anyway, I like the idea of a very small wedding (about 30 people - immediate family and close friends only), and then a larger reception (more on that in a future post). My mom suggested a wedding in the morning (and by morning I'm thinking 11:00am at the earliest), and then we all go out for lunch somewhere. Sounds good to me.

Plus, a small wedding is necessary for the location I want, which is part of the Geauga County Park District. The nice benefit of using a park location is that it's free to residents. I'm no longer a resident of Geauga County, but my parents are. I intend to be the one to reserve it, but if they have a problem with that, I can always have my parents call. Of course, the drawback of the park is that I can't reserve it until November 1, so I might need a backup plan if someone manages to reserve it before I do. However, I doubt it's a really popular location. It's really beautiful - bridge over a creek that runs into a small pond, and a beautiful flowering tree (if indeed it is still flowering in June, which might not be the case), but it's out in the boonies. Here's hoping it's available.

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